Wondering who we are, what we do, or why we do it? Come find out

The purpose of Project: Level Up is to help “Level Up” each city or community that we connect with. The level up initiative is to start with the people in the area and to help them become better. If the people are leveling up, the community has no choice but to follow suit. We have a group of programs and each program attacks different issues that we specialize in addressing. From fixing the streets physically,  to providing tools for artists, we want to help build your immediate community. One of the most important processes of Project: Level Up is Integrate with existing nonprofit programs and help them so that you can actually see the change in your community daily. 

From Pre schools to nursing homes, there is no specific age group or demographic we attend to. We speak with the community, locals leaders and relevant organizations to see what the specific needs each community has. Anyone in the community can help out and volunteer throughout the site.  

Our outreach strategies are tailored to the specific needs each different cause has. We have programs to help raise funding & awareness. Some of our programs include:

  1. Outreach tables
  2. School programs
  3. Community events
  4. Fundraisers
  5. Volunteer programs
  6. & more

Even though we started in Philadelphia, Pa, “Project: Level-up” is an international program aiming to be a part of every city. Check our local map to see if we are in your city and if not you can request us to come out and we will set it up.

Our mission is simple, Save the earth. Our belief is that if you can elevate the minds of the people on this planet, then we can learn to take better care of our homes. If we all take care of our individual areas the world will in turn become a greater place.